Riga official audio guide and e-book

You will get access to a secure webpage where you can listen to the audio guide stories using your iPad/iPhone or other tablet/smartphone in the browser. In addition, there are links to a map in pdf format (that the browser will open automatically), and an e-book in epub format that your iPad/iPhone or other tablet/smartphone will open automatically (provided that you have iBooks or e-book reading app for Android installed).
NB! You will need an Internet connection to listen to the stories (they will not be downloaded to your iPad/iPhone or other tablet/smartphone). Beware of the roaming charges if you use mobile Internet! In case of a slow Internet connection, please be patient.

Riga audio guide (ENG) + e-book
Riga audio guide (ENG) + e-book
Complete with all 14 top sights in the historic center of Riga and 5 additional stories about colorful history of Latvia, original traditions and habits of Latvians, and thrilling legends. Map + e-book in PDF format included.

Price: €14.90

Riga audio guide (RUS) + электронная книга
Riga audio guide (RUS) + электронная книга
Это полная коллекция аудиогида Риги со всеми достопримечательностями (14) и дополнительными историями (5). Карта с номерами достопримечательностей приложена к вашему пакету для загрузки (в виде .pdf файла) + электронная книга.

Price: €14.90